Archive for December, 2021

Wounds and Injuries – What You Need To Know

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Wounds and Injuries - What You Need To Know

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— video script below —
An injury is damage to your body. It is a general term that refers to harm caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and more. In the U.S., millions of people injure themselves every year. These injuries range from minor to life-threatening. Injuries can happen at work or play, indoors or outdoors, driving a car, or walking across the street.
Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They include cuts, scrapes, scratches, and punctured skin. They often happen because of an accident, but surgery, sutures, and stitches also cause wounds. Minor wounds usually aren’t serious, but it is important to clean them. Serious and infected wounds may require first aid followed by a visit to your doctor. You should also seek attention if the wound is deep, you cannot close it yourself, you cannot stop the bleeding or get the dirt out, or it does not heal.
Other common types of injuries include
• Bruises
• Burns
• Dislocations
• Fractures
• Sprains and strains

Disease! Crash Course World History 203

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In which John Green teaches you about disease, and the effects that disease has had in human history. Disease has been with man since the beginning, and it has shaped the way humans operate in a lot of ways. John will teach you about the Black Death, the Great Dying, and the modern medical revolution that has changed the world.

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GCSE Biology – How A Mushroom Can Kill You – Fungal and Protist Disease #29

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Learn what fungi and protist are and how they can cause ‘Rose Black Spot’ and ‘Malaria’. We also cover vectors and parasites, and the symptoms and treatments of each disease

Cranfield University discuss their ethics review system "Cures"

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Cranfield is an exclusively postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management. Its disciplines cover aerospace, agrifood, defence and security, energy, environment technology, leadership and management, manufacturing, and transport systems.

Research ethics is an extremely important topic because of the University’s research-intensive nature. Its diverse disciplines, however, make research ethics a particularly complex issue.

Before adopting EthicsRM, the University had three separate ethics review processes covering its varied disciplines. It recognised that a streamlined and unified system would support consistency in its approach to ethics.

Two of the previous ethics processes were entirely paper-based, while the other was online using a system developed in-house. Over time, the system’s administrator functionality became extremely time consuming and it was obvious that it was unsustainable.

Instead the University felt that a new system was required from an external supplier able to offer full and effective technical support.

After a rigorous selection process, EthicsRM was chosen – not only because of the wide range of processes that the system could easily handle, but its flexibility made it relatively quick to set up, even with Cranfield’s complex process flows. “The most time-consuming part of setting up the system was getting the academic staff to agree on the wording of the questions that applicants needed to answer,” explained Cranfield’s Brenda Roshier, Project Manager for the introduction of the system.

“Both reviewers and applicants find EthicsRM highly intuitive,” according to Andrew Kirchner, who was brought in to set up the system. “The system does what we want. Our biggest challenge is finding enough staff to act as reviewers, as we are asking all masters and doctoral level research projects to go through the system.”

Cranfield currently has applications based on four levels of risk and is shortly to introduce an additional level for human research that only requires a light touch consent approach. Andrew continued: “Changes like this are easy to make in-house using EthicsRM’s customisable workflow.”

“With a partner like Infonetica, we felt confident about being able to make changes in the system and test them fully prior to going live.”
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Part 1 of my series about doing my masters degree at Cranfield University.

In this video I talk about moving into accomodation (Lanchester Hall) and what your first day/week will be like. Tune into part 2 to hear more about the CSA and other fun spots around campus
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