Why is Cranfield University the destination for water research, Professor Bruce Jefferson, Dr Andrea Momblanch and current water PhD student Nasreen Naser explains.
With industrial and academic exposure researchers are in touch with real world challenges. Research can have a real impact on the lives of others, at Cranfield we are tackling the big questions.
With one of the most equipped analytical laboratories in the UK for water and our own sewage works, we offer excellent resources.
Take your next career step: https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/themes/water
We have Centres, Institutes and Groups that undertake world-class research in our specialised areas of academic expertise.
Centre for Water, Environment and Development – Cutting-edge transformational research and teaching to support integrated solutions to the world’s most profound water challenges:
Water Science Institute – Transformational research and teaching in the science, engineering and management of water:
Centre for Design Engineering is the international centre for strategic product and service creativity:
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