Archive for the tag: impact

The World’s Rarest Diseases — And How They Impact Everyone | Anna Greka | TED

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Physician-scientist Anna Greka investigates the world’s rarest genetic diseases, decoding the secrets of our cells through “molecular detective work.” She explains how her team is using new, advanced technology to solve decades-old medical mysteries — and shows how this work could help develop precision treatments for millions of people across the globe.

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The Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Economy — Sarah Shewayish, MD

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Dr. Shewayish shows how public health is an essential component of economic prosperity. This is at no time a more poignant argument than in the midst of the current pandemic, where it is clear that the key to economic recovery is to vanquish the coronavirus outbreak. As we have seen in the Spring and early Summer of 2020, infectious diseases can affect a large swath of the business sector, from agriculture, to manufacturing, transportation, hospitality/travel, and many others. Some industries may have a business model that is incompatible with an infection outbreak. Others may ride the wave of increased demand that occurs as a result of the disease’s impact on a society. A disease outbreak may also cause individuals to withdraw from the economy due to fear, job loss, or reduced services. Investing in public health is an endeavor that pays countless dividends. As the pandemic shows, societies around the world need to do more to invest in the health of their populations and in preparing for the next outbreak that may impact us.

The impact of COVID-19 on tourism around the globe | COVID-19 Special

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Tourists have never been as welcome as they are now.
The coronavirus pandemic has put the brakes on tourism.
The industry faces huge losses. Now people who depend on tourism hope that the coming month will bring a turnaround… as visitors put the lockdown behind them.
Normally they’d be everywhere, crowding beaches, mountain tops and inner cities, leaving their rubbish behind, and lots of cash. But this year, the coronavirus pandemic has kept tourists away, giving nature a break. As for the people depending on tourism, they suffer, and look for new ways of making a living.


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Video discusses ways that climate change can impact community health, and things communities can do to prepare.

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The impact of infectious diseases on African travel and tourism

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South Africa’s tourism industry still faces many challenges. One of the most recent challenges was the outbreak of Listeria which the biggest outbreak in the world. Mmatšatši Ramawela, CEO at the Tourism Business Council of South Africa talks about stakeholders in the industry as well as government can develop policies that will protect the industry from incidences like the outbreak.
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